Slavica Đukić Dejanović, Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia

Teachers Union of Serbia, TUS


Dear Ms Đukić Dejanović,

The European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE) represents 123 education trade unions i.e. 11 million teachers in all countries of Europe. ETUCE is the European Social Partner recognised at EU level and a European Trade Union Federation within ETUC, the European Trade Union Confederation. ETUCE is the European Region of Education International (EI), the global federation of education trade unions.

With this letter, ETUCE reaffirms its strong solidarity with its member organisation, the Teachers Union of Serbia (TUS), with their strike on 2 October 2024 at 12:00. This will be a full-day strike and a protest rally in front of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, followed by a march to the Government building. On this day, schools and preschools across the country will cease operations entirely.

ETUCE supports the demands made by TUS for a fair and just education system in Serbia and for improving working conditions of teachers and professionals in the sector:

  1. Urgent Legal Reforms: The amendments to the Criminal Code, agreed upon with the Serbian government, must be brought to public debate and adopted by the National Assembly without delay. These changes are critical to ensuring the safety and security of all school staff and students.
  2. Fair Salaries: Starting from January 2025, the starting salary for teachers and other staff with a Level 7 qualification must be equal to the national average wage, in line with the previously signed protocol with the government. This increase must be applied uniformly to all education sector employees.
  3. Salary Calculation Reforms: By the end of 2024, in consultation with

representative unions, the Decree on the Coefficients for Salary Calculation in Public Services must be revised to reflect the agreed-upon terms.

  1. Holiday Bonuses: Education workers must receive a New Year bonus in accordance with the Special Collective Agreement.

One year ago, a protocol was signed in which the Ministry of Education accepted these demands, with a deadline set for December 2024. However, TUS report that none of the agreed-upon measures have been implemented.

ETUCE highlights that the salaries in the education sector remain lower than the average worker’s wage in Serbia, exacerbating the financial strain on education professionals.

ETUCE insists on the importance of fully implementing the protocol between the government and TUS. Teachers in Serbian schools have experienced a deterioration of their working conditions due to the high workload, extended working hours and low salaries.

ETUCE believes that that democratic values and principles of social partners have to be respected and the government has to engage in a meaningful and positive social dialogue with trade unions. Ensuring a high-quality educational process requires energetic, creative and motivated teachers with employment stability, decent and competitive salary, and decent workload.

We continue closely monitoring the situation and support TUS and its members in their fight for effective and immediate implementation of the social dialogue outcomes in Serbia.

Yours sincerely,

Larry Flanagan
ETUCE President